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Private Lesson Announcements - Find the best one-to-one lessons at the best prices or Find students for one-to-one lessons.

Whether it is Programming such as Java, Python, Javascript, C#, PHP, HTML & CSS, Rust, Go, SQL, NoSQL, Perl, Swift, Kotlin, TypeScript, Ruby, C & C++, all courses are possible.

Grade Levels

Elementary School

Elementary School - Typically includes grades from Kindergarten to Grade 6.

Middle School

Middle School - Some regions in Canada use the concept of Middle School for grades from Grade 6 to Grade 8, while others incorporate these levels within elementary or high schools.

High School

High School - Grades from Grade 9 to Grade 12 are typically grouped in high schools, and students graduate from high school upon completing Grade 12.

Post-Secondary Education

Post-Secondary Education - After obtaining a high school diploma, students can pursue post-secondary education at colleges, CEGEPs (in Quebec), or universities, where they can earn bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degrees.