Social sciences

Online Geography tutors

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Sneha D.

Online Geography Courses with Sneha D.

I teach geography to students. 2 years experience.
Primary school Secondary school High school

Deepakshi G.
#Biology #Hindi #Chemistry

Online Geography Courses with Deepakshi G.

Primary school Secondary school

Sofia E.
#German #Spanish #Italian

Online Geography Courses with Sofia E.

My approach to providing grinds is rooted in personalized, student-centric learning. I understand that every student is unique, with distinct learning styles, strengths, and areas for improvement. Here's how I tailor my approach: Assessment and Goal Setting: To kickstart our journey, I'll assess your current knowledge and identify areas where yo...
Primary school Secondary school High school Higher education

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Whether it is Social sciences such as Economics, Political science, Sociology, Psychology, Geography, History, all courses are possible.